Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How To Get The Lawrence On Tasha Sex All The Time

On social media, I kept seeing people talking about how great the sex looked between Lawrence and Tasha. In fact one person posted a gif of the scene and asked, “Ladies when was the last time you had this?” I noticed a large amount of the women joked that they never had or that it had been a long time claiming that too many guys are lazy and make sex about them so much that they barely pay attention to the woman’s pleasure at all. So I wanted to express some tips that I picked up in my 5 years of singledom to help other women get that mind blowing sex that they ultimately crave while they’re single.

Finding The Right Guy To Fuck
We as women are approached by so many guys, so how do you know which ones are worth it and which ones aren’t? The truth is there are some signs, but part of it will involve your efforts as well.

Moderate Assholes: Assholes (not complete assholes but fun assholes) are some of your best candidates to have great sex with, but these assholes aren’t going to give every woman great sex. So how can you guarantee that you’ll get it? Talk shit! Be playful and learn how to talk shit. Assholes love someone who is a challenge and is playful. If you can have great back and of forth matches of talking shit with an asshole, then you’re sexy, and if talking shit ever turns sexual, then they’ll secretly crave the opportunity to make you eat your words. This can be a fuck buddy or friends with benefits depending on the guy.

Ladies Man: Pay attention to what women say about a guy, or how they act towards them. There are two types of ladies men out there and you can choose which one you like better or choose both
1.      The first kind is the ladies man that women love to talk about how great the sex was. Or they might not talk about it but they have women who think they are in love with them, making public scenes and everything. Understand though that those women aren’t in love…they’re dickmatized. A woman in love usually doesn’t make public scenes of hurt when rejected by said guy but keeps it private. This type of guy you know the sex is good, but if you can easily be dickmatized, stay away from him for fear you look like a raving jaded fool too. This guy is great for strictly a fuck buddy situation. Keep interaction limited to strictly sex.
2.      The second kind of ladies man is the one where a lot of women chase after him, but most have never had the opportunity to ever sleep with him. In fact, most people don’t even know his business. You want this guy because what makes sex great with him is that he oozes with sex appeal, which is why so many women want him. And trust me that sex appeal will ooze into every inch of the bedroom making for a wonderful time. This kind of guy like the moderate asshole usually has to be won over with efforts of talking shit, being flirty, and a certain extent of being a really cool and down   -to-earth human being. They love women who they can feel they can be themselves and real with, but also can be fun and flirty. So if you’re looking for a cool guy for like a “friends with benefits” situation, then this is your guy. Just make sure to get out before either one of you catches feelings or else it can turn into a really messy situation.

      The Dancer: That guy who is really great at dancing, can grind with you, lift you up if need be, and you guys have great sexual chemistry with each other when dancing, that guy is totally fuckable. You want that and it is worth it.

      The Guy Who Likes To Give Head: That guy who you’ve heard others or even them say they enjoy giving head, usually are great at it. If the opportunity arises, take advantage. You will not be disappointed.
      The Guy Who Obsesses Over Your Body With His Eyes: If there’s a guy in your life you’re cool with and every time you run into them they can’t help but to look you up and down, or smile when they see you, they’re worth the fuck. Especially if sometimes when they see you their voice can’t help but to become smooth as if every word they speak is dripping with honey. That person is definitely fantasizing about all the positions they’d like to put you in.
      Guys to Stay Away From:
1.      The guy who brags on his sex, 7 times out of 10 are terrible at it.
2.      The guy who seems desperate is, and you will regret the day you ever let him touch you.
3.      The dry/boring guy will be just that in bed as well without help and we’re not here to direct people, we’re here to fuck.
4.      The minimal sexual experience guy is not always bad but I’m sure you don’t want to spend a lot of time trying to teach them what to do or convince them that they should give head or stick a thumb up your ass if that’s what you’re into.
5.      The conceited pretty boy (or just conceited) is only thinking about himself and what he wants. Don’t expect him to care if you get off.
6.      The guy who doesn’t masturbate can sometimes be a quick pumper. I once knew a guy who refused to masturbate and was a quick pumper. The sex wasn’t totally bad though because he had great sex appeal, was rough, kinky and gave awesome head. But in general steer away from these guys because if they don’t give great head the sex may leave you unfulfilled.

Winning Great Sex
Now even though I mentioned which guys are the best options to get great sex from, you still have to be appealing to them in order for them to want to put in that extra effort. Now I mentioned previously it’s good to talk shit, be playful, down-to-earth and flirty. But there are a few other things that can help a guy give you the dicking of a lifetime

Creating Pent Up Sexual Tension: Once these guys become interested in you and realize that they want to fuck, you still have to create the need to give you the work. There are two ways to do that, and you can do one of them or both. I suggest you do both to get the best results.
1.      Be flirty yet unavailable. The best way to make sure a guy will yearn fucking you all the way up, is to flirt Back when they flirt with you but never catching on to the hints that they want to come over, or always somehow having other plans or being too busy to hang. You can keep this going for weeks, months, or even years. The longer the better. Just understand that if you do go years doing this, make sure that deep down if you were ever put into a situation where the opportunity arises you would say yes. I say this because eventually if you let it go on for a long time some guys will get to a point where they will do something drastic. This usually occurs after they’ve been drinking and will try to force a situation, which may come off as rapey. I’m not making light of rape either but I’m making sure you are aware that if you know a guy is interested, you know they want you bad, and you even get the feeling that they’re dunk do not let them over or go to their place under any circumstances unless you want a go. Under the influence these guys can take on the mindset that they’ll give it their all until they succeed. And it’s a very wonderful thing if you want it, but very scary if you don’t and you’ll have to be adamant with them that you don’t and will consider it rape if they don’t stop. But if you’re down for the fuck, understand that man will make you feel like Jasmine when Aladdin took her on the magic carpet ride.

2.      The second and quicker way to build that sexual tension is through a sexual activity that we know as head/sucking dick. Yes ladies sucking dick works in your favor. Always keep in mind that sucking dick is not for him, it’s for YOU!! Other than when I was in a relationship, I never gave head to just pleasure a guy. In fact they never got off from it because the purpose was not to make them happy but to make me happy. So I know you’re probably wondering how exactly do you do it where it will end in mind blowing sex, because let’s be honest many of you have given head and the sex was still terrible. Well I’ll give a few tips. First off don’t be afraid to get wild with it. Go fast up and down the dick, then out of nowhere stop at the tip, then slowly come all the way down it and deep throat it. Then when you come up, come up slowly and move your tongue in a wave up the dick. Once you get back to the tip move your tongue around the corona ridge of the tip and let your tongue flicker at the split at the base of the tip. It drives men crazy. You can go up and down and every time you come up make sure your tongue moves around that ridge. You can move your lips inward and outward as you go up and down. You can focus on the tip and let your hand stroke the shaft. Another fun thing to do is let your tongue flick the split of the tip and then catch the dick in your mouth when it jumps from a pleasure reflex. And ladies, also don’t forget to massage the balls from time-to-time. But you can also focus on the hip bone which is highly sensitive with your lips, tongue or teeth, and use your tongue or nails on the inside of the thighs. All of this will cause a guy to be pent up with the need to fuck the shit out of you, and will most likely stop you and put you in the doggy style position or any other position where they’ll end up mercilessly thrusting away into you. And that will make all the difference.

So ladies these are my tips for the happily single woman’s guide to getting great sex every time they decide to fuck. The reason why I say happily single is in these occurrences you’re solely looking for pleasure and not a relationship. I personally do not believe that just because you’re single you should have to suffer from bad sex if you choose to indulge in the activity. So I hope these tips helps someone in need. And happy fucking ladies.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Facing My Younger Self: It's Ok For It To Be All About You Sometimes

At the end of 2015, I had this random feeling that it was time to ultimately change my life from the direction it was going (and no it wasn't a new year mew me thing, it was just a feeling), which was virtually nowhere. I was STUCK. In a rut. Whatever you want to call it, I was there. I had gained 20 pounds, I wasn't eating as healthy as I wanted to be, I hadn't worked out for real in forever (and I love to run but my schedule has been all over the place it's been hard to find time to go out), and I wasn't saving money like I had planned. I also was putting off looking for references and working on my personal statements to apply to grad schools, and I hadn't worked my part-time business basically at all. I didn't like where I was but it seemed that no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't move forward. I couldn't find the energy,I couldn't get the negative thoughts out of my head, I couldn't see my past vision, I was literally in a dark place. And this place, that I had been fighting against for the past couple of years and seemed now to be losing had engulfed me. I almost felt like I had no fight left.

But on December 31st, I woke up and began to clean. I cleaned my apartment, and when I got to my room, I just started throwing things out. Things I knew I didn't need but had been holding onto for whatever reason, and it felt like a cleansing. Now I didn't get rid of all of the things I need to get rid of but I did get rid of most of them. While cleaning, I was listening to Bob Proctor from The Secret, and one of the videos was talking about taking 90 days to change your mindset. It's plan was simple: visualize daily, say affirmations daily, listen to personal development daily. Now I said the plan was simple, not easy. We all know that sometimes when life hits you hard, it can be easy to sulk instead of choosing positivity. But something felt different this time. I couldn't explain it and I said if there's any fight left in me then I'll fight for it. But of course afterwards the negative thoughts started to pop back up, and the thing that calmed me was looking at the outfit that I came home from the hospital in.
See my grandmother, who passed away September 5th of 2014, was the rock of my family. We have a large family and she loved that family dearly as well as we loved her. But one thing many of grandchildren didn't know is that my grandmother kept all of the outfits her grandchildren came home from the hospital in. And for Christmas, my aunt who has currently taken my grandmother's house to continue the family estate, was cleaning up and decided to give us all of our outfits back for Christmas. I don't know what it was about that outfit but assured me that I was going get through this.

A week later, my boyfriend and I finally exchanged Christmas presents (being consumed by graduation and other having a stay-cation the weekend before graduation, we didn't get around to shopping for it). For Christmas, a couple of the things he had gotten me was a fruit infuser water bottle, and a magic bullet blender (both of which I had been saying I wanted for months). So now the journey had begun.I had already began working on visualizations and affirmations,and making it a daily habit, and my boyfriend and I had also begun the 52 week money saving challenge along with other money saving challenges. But now I could add eating healthier, along with the fact that my mom had gotten me a one second slicer for Christmas as well to kill prep time with cooking. .And even though I can't work out as much as I would like, I have added standing leg lifts and crunches while at work and brushing teeth in the morning, as well as taking advantage of walking to work sometimes, and doing short workouts when I can.

When it comes to just doing a little a day to be healthier I can see the small differences. My waistline has decreased, and my skin looks better, as well as I tend to have more energy. When it comes to visualization and affirmations I've seen differences as well. To better help with that, I have an audio recording of me saying some of my own personal affirmations that I aim to listen to twice daily. I also try to look at pictures and quotes as well to help. But one thing I was having trouble with was being completely consistent and with visualizations. In between work, class, running errands, dealing with an incident where I was being investigated by the police for counterfeit money (this was cleared up about a week and half ago), and every other daily pressure and obligation it was slightly challenging to force myself to do it sometimes. So if I miss a couple of days I binge for a day, but for the most part I don't miss too many days. But I say this to say that one day I was binging in between work and class, and I listened to a TEDX where a woman said to change her mindset and get out her rut she did guided visualization meditations. So I decided that I would do it that night no matter how tired as I was. Well I did, but I fell asleep on it. So the next morning (which was yesterday) I woke up to do it.

At one point that meditation had me visualize a room in a cave where the walls were completely covered with crystal quartz, and on the walls, everything I wanted in my future played out. At that moment I saw my vision restored. It had changed slightly (some things removed, other things added) but it was there and it felt awesome. The meditation then led m to another room where the walls were completely covered in amethyst. Now at this point I don't remember what I was supposed to be doing there, but whatever it was I was not doing it. What happened instead, I'm standing in this room and I see myself from probably the age of 2 or 3. I see her looking up at me with questioning eyes as if she's asking me how did I get to this point in my life. At that time I couldn't do anything, I couldn't do anything but grab my younger self, cradle and hold her, and apologize to her. I cried holding her saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry for allowing the world to make you become a broken shell of yourself. I'm sorry I didn't protect you better. I'm sorry that I allowed you to feel like something was wrong with you. That your uniqueness was a curse instead of a glorious blessing and gift. You have always been odd and different. Your family used to joke about how you seemed like an alien come to explore and observe the Earth. And while they praised it, the rest of the world condemned it, and I'm sorry that I allowed it to happen. I'm sorry that I stunted you creativity, your love, your infinite optimism, your  absolute wonder and curiousity of the world. I am so sorry that I did this to you, and I promise from this day forward, that I will do better by you. I will do better to protect you, and I will make you whole again. I will bring you back to life and you will once again be your optimistic, happy, creative, loving, weird, and brilliant self that you were always meant to be with no regret, no guilt, no fear of what others think of you condemning you for being uniquely you. This is my mission in life to always allow you to live as purely you for all of your life.

I left her begrudgingly. I felt like there was more I needed to say to her, but she simply smiled at me with eyes as bright as stars with hope, love, and optimism for the future. And as I left the cave, I looked back at her, and all the things my future held waving back at me. And it was then that I knew, that this is a time for a transformation for me. Sometimes you can just feel it, and I knew that this time would be different somehow but I didn't know how until that moment.

In my business, they always say that in order to be successful you have to have a drive that motivates you; a why, and that you can only be driven by a vision that is bigger than you. And so I always tried to make my WHY (What's Hurting You) much bigger than me (which it ultimately is; I want to do a lot for other with my life), but somehow that still wouldn't motivate me in my dark times and the hard times. It would fizzle. But thinking of myself in this respect gives me a fire, a motivation like no other. At this point, I'm thinking of everything I am, and how I have been broken down and molded to a fragment of myself. And that is what makes me want to change most. I want to be free like a child. Living with little fear, high hopes, big dreams, endless possibilities, and interest in various different things that ultimately make me feel incandescent joy. That is what I want for myself, and I am daring to go create that feeling and reality, everyday of my life. Sometimes it is ok for your vision to be all about you, especially when you've given so much of yourself to appease others who do not hold your best interest at heart. Do not feel bad for being un-apologetically selfish as long as it affects your own happiness and does not take away from others.