Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I say Goodbye to 2012 and Hello to 2013

2012 is now officially over and I must say, I am not severely sad to see it go. 2012 was a very cruel teacher but it came with a lot of fun rewards. For instance, I was able to be in the Real Women Like Us: Redefining beauty fashion show,  I partied in Chicago for my 22nd birthday, and I got to spend a week long trip in a beach house North Carolina with my large family. But 2012 made me realize that if I choose to hold onto things that no longer serve me, life will force me to leave it behind even if I have very few options to turn to in the midst of finding out what does serve me and what to do to get where I need to be.  For instance I had to leave old friends behind or at least create great space between us for they were dragging me down mentally and emotionally. My family had to leave our old home behind  which has caused family members to become stronger and to grow.And so many other things have happened. I've survived the hardest semester of my life while working a job and growing a business, and it has taught me so many things about myself, life, and brought me further down my path of spirituality. I believe 2012 was a year of tests, a year of sowing. So I believe that 2013 will be a year of reaping. And because the trials of 2012 were so great, the rewards that we shall reap should be equally as great. So 2012 I am thankful for all that you have taught me and have prepared me for. And to 2013, I have great expectations for you. I believe that you will lead to places I can scarcely imagine and that I shall achieve all of my heart's desires in you. I cannot wait to see what all you bring for me and all of humankind.

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