Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hello World

Hello world! My name is TyRonda and this will be my first blog post.

I have actually been thinking about creating a blog for a while now and was actually encouraged by many friends to do so so here I am. Now I feel that I should warn my readers first that I am very free thinking, can be very blunt, have many opinions about very diverse things, and some of them may actually at some point rub you the wrong way and I am very sorry for that. But for right now you will get to see a very warm side of me.

To start off, I named this blog Fiery Living and Loving as a way to show that I am very passionate about the things I take interest in and the way I plan to live my life. I am also very passionate about love and I believe that it is what makes the world goes round. Now when I say love I do not just mean the relationship cakish kind because in all honesty P.D.A. (public displays of affection) rubs me the wrong way. When I say love I mean love for life and everything else on this God green earth. I try to show love in so many ways that one day I plan to become a Naturopathic physician so that I can show people a more healthier and holistic way to tend to their bodies, which will stem from the heart, and to be a part time couple's and sex therapist so that one day our society can have healthier relationships and the divorce rate will no longer be over 50%. These are my goals and I will stick with them. Now that you know a little about me feel free to comment so that I may know a little about you. I like to get to know people and brighten others day. Don't worry, I don't bite lol.

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